BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Felicity "Flick" Mellor isn't that academic, but has communication and diplomacy skills that ensure she is a popular student. As Head Girl, she is clearly one of the most popular girls in the sixth form but she treads the fine line between attractive and threatening. She takes her responsibility seriously, and uses her leverage to talk to staff 'on a level'. She is also shown to be close friends with Chlo Grainger.

The apple of her dad's eye, Ralph is blinded to his daughter's shortcomings by her façade of innocence and butter wouldn't melt charm.

But when Flick has a relationship with Marley her father is horrified. Ralph Mellor has a strong distaste for the Kelly family and even more so with Marley, as he feels he is leading his daughter astray. When Flick tests positive on a drugs awareness day that Ralph has facilitated, he tries to shift the results to Marley's profile but he is soon found out and forced to step down as Chair of Governors. Later on when Marley is in need of money due to his family's eviction from Tom Clarkson's road, Ralph offers him £5000 to stay away from Flick. Due to his family loyalties Marley accepts the bribe, but later on Marley can resist Flick no longer and after throwing the money back in Ralph's face, Ralph attacks him with a golf club and despite being a detective inspector himself, he is later arrested for knocking down part of the school with a digger.

After these events, Marley consoles a distraught Flick outside the ruined school as her dad is taken away in the police car. Marley graduated after this episode and he and Flick go to university where they continue their relationship.


  • Flick was head girl but her position was revoked when she was found guilty of taking drugs.
  • Flick was in the girls football team but was not an original member.


  • "Hiya, girls. Glad to be back?" (first line)

  • Rachel: "Marley, this is Felicity, she's our new Head Girl."
  • Flick: "Flick. My friends call me Flick."
  • Rachel: "Sorry, Flick. Flick is going to, well, she's gonna help you settle in."
  • Marley: "Nah, I don't need a babysitter, Miss."
  • Flick: "I don't intend to be one!"

  • "Is it true? You sold me? How could you?!"

  • "Here. Take them. I don't know where you got them from or what on earth would make you think I'd want them. What is wrong with you? How sick is that? Giving a girl second-hand knickers! You need help. I don't want them, and I don't want anything to do with you. Got it? Weirdo."

  • "I HATE YOU! I ABSOLUTELY HATE YOU!" (to Ralph after he beat up Marley)

  • "Did he do this?!" (final line)